

बूढ़ी ज़िंदगी, गुणा भाग , जोड़ निभाती..

जिंदगी में बहुत ऊँच नीच देखी
मैने हर साए में धूप देखी है ..
हाथों के लकीरी ज्ञान पर जिंदगी बिताने वालों
बिना बाजू वालों की भी तकदीरें बदलती देखी हैं……

कभी नीम सी , कभी निमोलियो सी – ये ज़िंदगी, कभी फूल सी, कभी काँटो सी – ये ज़िंदगी, कभी नमक सी, कभी मीठी सी- ये ज़िंदगी, चाहती रही ताउम्र एक शहद सी – ज़िंदगी!


कभी मौन की भाषा समझो , आँसू जो ठहर गए आँखों की कोर पे , लफ़्ज जो रुक गए होंठों के कोर पे , नज़रे जो टीकी हैं आसमां के छोर पे, पलकें जो टीकी हैं दरवाज़े के ओट पे, मौन जो ठहरा है आँखों के कोर पे, ओढ़नी जो लिपटी है उँगली के छोर पे, कान जो टीके हैं दूर के शोर पे, कितना बयां करते है ये कभी समझा है वो एक आँसू जो बहता नहीं पर तबाही मचाता है दुनिया के छोर पे


Bas Yun hi 

Time changes….with time, people too change……and with people, so many things change…feelings, emotions, relationships, attitudes.time changes your priorities , your attitude to life,your reactions to various situations, for good or bad but a hollow is definitely created, and make you realize the meaningless of small things! Bitter experience make you a little bit spiritual and good interactions create a void yearning to relive those days 

memories stay….and…..well…… No end you start living in memories

Fine story


Once a dog ran into a museum- where all the walls, the ceilng, the door and even the floor were made of mirror, seeing this the dog froze in surprise in the middle of the hall, a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, from above and below. Just in case, the dog bared his teeth -and all the reflections responded to it in the same way. Frightened, the dog frantically barked – the reflections imitated the bark and increased it many times. The dog barked even harder and the echo was keeping up. The dog tossed from one side to another, biting the air – his reflections also tossed around snapping their teeth.
Next day in the morning the museum security guards found the miserable dog, lifeless and surrounded by a million reflections of lifeless dogs. There was nobody, who would make any harm to the dog. The dog died by fighting with his own reflections.
The world doesn’t bring good or evil on its own. Everything that is happening around us is the reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, wishes and actions. The World is a big mirror. Strike a good pose!
Read this story n liked it so much that I just wanted to share……


Another  accident, this time train’s, political leaders visits, empty promises,lack of medical help, crying of helpless citizens, broken and shattered bodies – this all has become  common with your  cup of morning tea. As soon as you turn on the Tv you are welcomed by all these news – accidents everywhere – roads, air – trains and all because of human error, name it carelessness, terrorism, burglary or an attempt for quick money. It seems humans have become vegetables, no one is bothered to kill just to get their whims!

I do not want to comment on politics or politicians, but as a responsible citizen I can write my feelings about the situation. In  a democracy and civilised society, there is no place for violence whatsoever – be it in the name of any religion or terrorist groups! All citizens enjoy equal rights and all those who are deprived must work hard like all of us to climb the ladder of success! Work hard to ward off poverty, there is no room for any violence. Live peacefully and let others also, this is the only message to be given to all those different coloured flag holder gun worshippers!

It is really ironical that India which has a rich cultural and educational background, faces such situations! Today’s leaders need to read our heritage collections like GITA and CHANAKYA’S Shastra , Eradicate evils as Krishna did with Kauravs . You cann’t square violence with peace talks! Losing one’s dear one due to such violent acts is not easy to digest! Giving long speeches and TV interviews from air conditioned rooms and blaming third one is very easy!

Now is a time for a solution – quick and decisive one!